Air Quality Modeling
Δ EmissionsInfo, About


The "FAIRMODE Emission Benchmarking Tool" is an IDL-based software developed by JRC in close cooperation with NILU and BSC as co-chairs of the FAIRMODE activities under WG2. It is currently available as a stand-alone tool . The first version of the tool was developed in 2014 and launched for use in February 2015.

It is designed to screen and benchmark emission inventories, especially to compare bottom-up and top-down estimates at the regional and/or city scale.

In the context of the Δ-Emission Tool, the denomination of bottom-up inventories (BUP) refers to any methodology used at local, regional or national level to compile emission. In the same context, top-down inventories (TOD) refers to emission datasets compiled for the whole of Europe using the same type of methodology across the whole of domain. The second version of the tool was launched in October 2015, and includes improvement to V1 based on feedback and comments from the FAIRMODE WG2 participants.

In the Table below the main functionalities and updates of the tool are presented and listed.

Tool Version Functionalities / Updates Release Time
Version 3.0
  1. implementation of the EMEP-GNFR topdown emission inventory based on the NFR (Nomenclature for Reporting) categories;
  2. included are a few fake examples of GNFR categories. The per capita diagram for GNFR will be available soon;
  3. included are a few fake examples of GNFR categories. The per capita diagram for GNFR will be available soon;
  4. in the new installation procedure (only for new comers) some of the directories are hidden.
Version 2.0
  1. option to download data from TOD inventories;
  2. option to visualise the TOD inventory in a map;
  3. new BUP emission datasets for Oslo, Stockholm, and Austria;
  4. new TOD emission data sets for MACC-III (different years) and for JRC for 2010.
Version 1.0 - 1.3 Main capability is to compare Top-down (TOD) versus bottom-up (BUP) emission inventories