Air Quality Modeling
Δ AssessmentInfo, About


The DELTA Assessment & Planning (Δ - A&P) software is an IDL-based model evaluation software developed in the framework of the FAIRMODE procedure for benchmarking of Air Quality Directive (AQD) modelling applications.

assessment background

Most of the functionalities of Δ - A&P focus on the comparison of paired modelled and monitored data, it offers rapid diagnostic of model performance in terms of various statistical indicators and diagrams. Some of the statistical indicators are evaluated against bound values (performance criteria and model quality objectives). DELTA also offers the possibility of printing summary performance reports for a given model application.

The tool is structured around two main components: The first (A&P) is dedicated to assessment (comparison of model results with measurements) and planning whereas the second focus on the benchmarking of emission inventories.

In the frame of FAIRMODE some indicators to assess the consistency of model results obtained for different emission scenario have been developed (see Thunis et al. 2015 for more details). These indicators are included as functionality in Delta A&P

The DELTA tool is distributed with a User's Guide and with a demonstration dataset, created in the POMI intercomparison exercise

You can freely download this tool by filling in the registration form and by accepting the privacy statement agreement.

If your application has been already accepted you can download the tool here