Use the quality check tool to validate the format and consistency of your maps before uploading your data to the ECMap-Database. User manuals for emissions and concentrations are available for downloading.
Upload your emissions or concentrations datasets in the ECMap-Database. Datasets will be available in the ECMap-Viewer after approval. Read the database user guide on how to upload your data.
For the 2023 exercise, please follow this instructions
Visualize the results in terms of emissions and concentrations in a common map viewer. You can select the map you want to see and filter data for years, pollutants and more.
Over the last years WG1 and WG2 have focused their activity on QA/QC methodologies and benchmarking processes for emission inventories and air quality assessment. An important point in QA/QC (both for emissions and concentrations) is to look at the spatial “dimension” of these variables, which is not always properly taken into account.
This is the reason why FAIRMODE set up a “composite mapping” exercise for both emissions and concentrations. The exercise is supported by a “composite mapping” tool which is a mosaic of the best available national, regional or local estimate for different EU areas, and allows for qualitative and quantitative (spatial) comparison of emission and concentration maps.
The objective of this exercise is in the first place capacity building, but also triggering discussions on topics such as:
The platform enables the comparison of emission inventories and concentration mapping methodologies, making it easier to learn from each other. Furthermore, the comparison exercise can boost the participation of countries and regions that are not participating nowadays.
For registered users only, composite maps of emissions and air quality over Europe are open for discussion. The maps can be explored through the ECMap Viewer. Interested members of FAIRMODE which are not yet registered can join the initiative by filling out the official application form.
All FAIRMODE participants are encouraged to participate in the exercise.
For the concentration maps, data is requested as:
For the emission maps, data is requested as:
All maps (emissions and concentrations) have to be provided as gridded data in one of the following two data formats:
The data sets included in the EU Composite Mapping Exercise remain the exclusive property of the national, regional or local data providers. All information provided via the EU Composite Map Platform can only be used in the context of FAIRMODE.